All pitches at Score FC are now installed with multiple cameras that record in HD and pickup audio. This ensures that every blade of grass is covered by the camera technology. It also allows for multiple angles when watching back either the full action or clips.
Find out more below.
Here’s how PlayCam works
PLAY: Round up 9 teammates and take to the pitch as normal.
SUBMIT: After the game you will receive an email that includes a link to view the full one hour recording of your game. Head over to the recording, hit ‘Submit a Clip’ and fill in the details. Within 24 hours you will receive the clip(s) you requested!
SHARE: Now you have your clips, it’s time to share them across Social Media with your friends.
We’ll be keeping an eye out for the best goals, skills and funny moments and will be running regular competitions with great prizes!
Get started by booking your next game.
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Contact Us
Registered Office:
Score Football Centres
Unit 1, 5L Hillmans Way
BT52 2ED
Tel: 028 7032 6922
Company Registration Number: NI 612247